Regular Performers //
Kirthy Iyer
"Born and raised in India, studied in Canada, surviving in Germany" an international background that makes Kirthy so special that he wants to punch himself. He started the English stand up comedy scene in Frankfurt out of necessity. A comic who does irritable, cynical and brutally honest riffs of anything and everything from his life. When not ranting on stage, he spends majority of his time in his recluse, drawing comics, animating, writing stories and occassionaly answering to bowel movements.
Julian Kirsch works for the "SCUM Corp." - a company that is even bigger than the Google and as clandestine as the NSA. As an unofficial, unwarranted and unknown sponsor of the comedy night, Julian interrupts the show with his business proposals and promotes his employer's schemes that makes even the avaricious business types stomach clench with horror.

Pedro Carvalho
Pedro, a proud Portuguese, born in Porto, living now in Frankfurt, loves to show everyone what makes his country unique in the world, and why Portugal is not Spain. He is the typical Latino male, in love, romantic, and always willing to tell you about his episode full life. The relationship between man and woman, the desires of a person, and how to solve the questions of life are part of his lifelong conquest that he will show you through humor.
David Edgcumbe
David Edgcumbe has been British since he was born in 1987, about the same time his mother decided babies don't mix well with childbirth and vowed never to spawn more offspring - hers or anyone else's. She remains diligently faithful to this oath, thanks in part to her husband's subsequent vasectomic persuasion.
Having successfully fled the womb, David grew up on the tough streets of Plymouth, Devon the hard way: in a loving and supportive family environment. He has co-written and starred in a sketch show at the Edinburgh Fringe, which was received with warm journalistic apathy, and occasionally writes a blog of half-truths, which he hates promoting.!
Bara Victor
Bara's standup is about the bizarre and absurd that happens regularly in his life. A feat that isn't difficult if one's life story starts from Transylvania. When he cannot find the strange in his personal life, he turns to the life of Jesus for material. His favorite pastime is getting high on garlic powder. Another line worth mentioning in his bio: he has studied psychology out of sheer madness.

Julius Carter is a socially savvy and political minded person with a passion for the funny in everyday events and people. Born in upstate New York Julius spent many of his days making people laugh with his loose jokes and tight grip on social realities. After 7 years serving in the armed forces of America he has decided to shift into the entertainment industry the best way he knows how. Through comedy.

Ariana is from Virginia and has been living in Germany for over 4 years. Her love of dance and ability to pull ridiculous faces make her a natural on the stage. She does mostly observational humor and her subject matter is quirky, risqué, and sometimes glitter-infused. Ariana also performs monthly with her improvisational group in Frankfurt.

Saqib Rasul is a Pakistani Import German Resident who finds true happiness by making drunks laugh. His stories are all about one main character, one protagonist, one punchline - "himself".

Detroit born, German Resident, Chris Barrett suffers from lot of issues that predestined him for the path of comedy. He deals with most of his issues on stage in colorful and yet somewhat distasteful manner. However, for the most part, he is willing to make one crucial barter - a trade of humility for humor.

Recently self-diagnosed with RADD or Reverse ADD (i.e. He can’t stand people who don’t pay attention to him!), Russell Mu, a.k.a Le Russ is a global citizen who has for instance lived for at least 3 years in each of 7 different countries; Rhodesia, Belgium, West Germany, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, South Africa and now Germania! Being the youngest among his siblings, he quickly realized that constantly emphasizing himself as the cutest in his family was the only way to get food at the family dining table. That and laughter to disarm any sibling rivalry. Both qualities are paying off now well in his comedy career. He draws from his personal experiences on stage using his charisma and humor.
Frankfurt Art Bar Host //